Sunday, January 2, 2022

 Q1. What is WCF? 

WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundation. It is a Software development kit for developing services on Windows. WCF is introduced in .NET 3.0. in the System.ServiceModel namespace. WCF is based on basic concepts of Service oriented architecture (SOA) 
Q2. What is endpoint in WCF service? 
The endpoint is an Interface which defines how a client will communicate with the service. It consists of three main points: Address, Binding and Contract. 
Q3. Explain Address, Binding, and contract for a WCF Service? 
Address: Address defines where the service resides. 
Binding: Binding defines how to communicate with the service. 
Contract: Contract defines what is done by the service. 
Q4. What is the various address format in WCF? 
a) HTTP Address Format: --> http://localhost: 
b) TCP Address Format: --> net.tcp://localhost: 
c) MSMQ Address Format: --> net.msmq://localhost: 
Q5. What are the types of binding available in WCF? 
A binding is identified by the transport it supports and the encoding it uses. Transport may be HTTP, TCP etc. and encoding may be text, binary etc. The popular types of binding may be as below: 
a) BasicHttpBinding 
b) NetTcpBinding 
c) WSHttpBinding 
d) NetMsmqBinding 
Q6. What are the types of contract available in WCF? 
The main contracts are: 
a) Service Contract: Describes what operations the client can perform. 
b) Operation Contract: defines the method inside Interface of Service. 
c) Data Contract: Defines what data types are passed 
d) Message Contract: Defines whether a service can interact directly with messages 
Q7. What are the various ways of hosting a WCF Service? 
a) IIS b) Self Hosting c) WAS (Windows Activation Service) 
Q8. What is the proxy for WCF Service? 
A proxy is a class by which a service client can Interact with the service. 
Using proxy in the client application we are able to call the different methods exposed by the service 
Q9. How can we create Proxy for the WCF Service? 
We can create proxy using the tool svcutil.exe after creating the service. 
We can use the following command at command line. 
svcutil.exe *.wsdl *.xsd /language:C# /out:SampleProxy.cs /config:app.config 
Q10.What is the difference between WCF Service and Web Service? 
a) WCF Service supports both http and TCP protocol while webservice supports only http protocol. 
b) WCF Service is more flexible than web service. 
Q11.What is Data Contract and Service Contract? Explain  
Data represented by creating Data Contract which expose the 
data which will be transferred /consumed from the service 
to its clients. 
**Operations which is the functions provided by this 
To write an operation on WCF, you must write it as an 
interface, this interface contains the "Signature" of the 
methods tagged by ServiceContract attribute, and all methods 
signature will be implemented on this interface tagged with 
OperationContract attribute. 
and to implement these service contract you must create 
a class which implement the interface and the actual 
implementation will be on that class. 
Code Below show How to create a Service Contract: 


Public Interface IEmpOperations 

Decimal Get EmpSal(int EmpId); 

Class MyEmp: IEmpOperations 

Decimal Get EmpSal() 

// Implementation of this method.